Investing in Culture Change
Investing in Culture Change
Piedmont Anti-Racism & Diversity Committee
Grant Application Information Page
Piedmont Anti-Racism and Diversity Committee (PADC) Mission Statement: Grounded in principles of racial equity, PADC works to dismantle systems of oppression, and replace them with policies and practices to nurture a connected and inclusive community.
What matters to us? Inclusive communities, racial equity, learning culture, collective action, transparency, honest dialogue and impact giving.
PADC awards monetary grants to individuals and groups who develop programs that promote the ideals outlined in our mission statement above. Grant awardees should be affiliated with Piedmont or one of Piedmont’s neighboring communities.
Applications are available for submission now. Available grant funds will be awarded by the end of the calendar year or until grant funds have been exhausted.
Applications should be completed and submitted online. Applicants can expect a decision and response to their grant applications within three weeks from the date of submission.
Additional questions regarding submitted grant applications should be directed to our Grants Committee at: contactpadc@gmail.com
Please go to our grant application page by clicking below.